Okay Folks time to be real. The holidays are amazing if you are in a festive head space.....and a constant reminder if you are NOT in that headspace. For those not in that headspace, please remember there are services out there if you are struggling. I would ask everyone to share this. At the end of the day, we want everyone to still be with us in order to continue their recovery journey. You are not alone, we are here for you. Boots on the Ground 24/7 Peer Support Call 1-833-677-2668 MB Suicide Prevention and Support Line 24/7 Call 1-877-435-7170 Klinic Crisis Line 24/7 1-888-322-3019 OSI-CAN Manitoba 204-982-6359 or 204-802-0596 Emergency Services 911
Take care of yourselves during this part of the season, use your self care tools, be extra gentle with yourself (you know the voice in your head is a jerk), and talk to someone if you are struggling. Heck, call me if you don't have anyone else you can call. When I say you are not alone, I mean it. Be kind to yourself. Until 2022